Saturday, August 25, 2012

She said "YES!" ~ Damien & Holly

Spent the evening with Holly, her little girl Liza, and soon to be hubby Damien! Since their November wedding is quickly approaching we had to get in their engagement session asap, and fortunately we lucked out with great weather at Smyrna Village even though its August! Damien is quite animated which made the shoot so fun and comedic... I just couldn't resist posting the "outtakes"!




Morgan Turnipseed ~ Senior Portraits

It's not very often that I shoot senior portraits, but having done her sister's wedding, Morgan gave me call and asked if I could fit her in for a shoot, so off we went for some fun at Kennesaw Mountain. I couldn't take a bad shot if I tried; she is SERIOUSLY STUNNING! I swear some people get overloaded with all the beauty genes... but what's even more killer is that her heart matches her outer beauty!