Monday, December 10, 2012

Collins ~ 4 Days Old!

Having photographed both Kelly & Danny's engagement and September wedding, I was overjoyed to be the first to formally capture their little beauty, Collins, when she arrived in the middle of winter! Some twinkle lights and angel wings were just the right touch to display how "wonderfully-made & heaven-sent" she is!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Season's End ~ The Stams

Since the leaves didn't change colors until late October this year, I was taking Fall Family sessions a little later than usual, and this was the final shoot to close out the season! There is no doubt CJ & Heather have their hands full with this dynamic duo of kids! Even though we used an heirloom family trunk as a prop, you would think I was using a barrel with these monkeys, complete with the eye rolls and blown out cheeks! One thing is for sure, even though they are fiercely independent and have their sibling rivalry, they down right love each other and the precious white and black shot below proves it!